Inspiration Board of the Week... Rooftop Weddings!
The newest trend in weddings is taking us to the skylines!...Rooftop Weddings are all the rage for young urbanites around the world. Of course you would need the weather to cooperate with your organizers. But, that's just a minor detail.

Weddings on rooftops! Your city's skyline as your backdrop. Nothing says dramatic like a Jumbo jet cruising above your wedding party.

A word of advice, get married during dry season to avoid unnecessary stress from uninvited rain.

Give out cute parasols for your guests to ward off the sun's rays

Or catch the sunset and take advantage of nature's dramatic lighting.

Sunglasses are also a great souvenir idea.. Your Party guests would look rad when the wedding pictures come out.

Why not say your vows up there as well..

An easy breezy wedding dress would be perfect for this affair.

Wedding dress available online.

From IntimateWeddings,com